I like to take established genre and stretch it till it gets slightly bent out of shape (some might say silly) With your kind indulgence I shall now attack Wizard Fantasy, which already lends itself to humor easily. This is part one. STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT EXCITING EPISODE. :-]
Morrie Feldman stood in his dingy basement. On the floor was a pentagram outlined in Gold Medal self rising flour. In the middle of the pentagram was a circle. Morrie lit a red candle at each of the points of the pentagram and then took a frayed scrap of paper out of his wallet. Consulting the paper he added a pinch of this and a touch of that from a stack of paper envelopes. He mixed them together in a frying pan on top of a gas barbecue grill. He then stood on tip toe and declaimed, in what he hoped was a booming voice, " Ramajistus freebang FOOOOOOOZBAH" As he squeaked out the last word he lit the barbecue grill. There was a ball of flame that neatly removed his left eyebrow and half of his mustache. This was followed by billows of green foul smelling smoke that gave him a coughing fit and brought tears to his eyes.
As the smoke began to clear he saw there was something in the circle. HE HAD DONE IT. HE, MORRIE FELDMAN, HAD SUMMONED A FIERCE DEMON. He looked again as the cloud lifted and could see that it was a barrel. A barrel?
From inside the barrel came a resounding HAAAAAAA-CHOO. Slowly a set of curved rams horns rose from the barrel. They were followed by a head covered with corroded looking green scales. The most startling thing of all was the long pink pig's snout.
"Hoo boy. That's some spell you got there. Where'd you get it, out of a box of Crackerjacks"?
"I'll have you know this spell cost me Five hundred dollars. Madame Spaviniski said it was the best money could buy"
"You BOUGHT a spell? What a schmuck. Don't you know you need a different spell for every demon and you can only use it once? For five hundred you think you get top of the line?"
Morrie sighed."Other people they cast a spell, they get a big scary demon that breathes fire. Morrie Feldman? Give him a pig in a barrel. What does he know? So all right. We work with what we got. Believe me, I'm used to second rate goods".
The demon pointed a green scaled finger with a chipped grubby claw at the end of it. Morrie thought it looked as though it could use a manicure.
"Watch it with the wise cracks Bub. I may not be much of a demon but I can still handle a shrimp like you."
"HOO HAH. I read the book. I got you trapped. You're stuck here till I turn you loose".
"A lawyer we got here. So you got a reason for calling the mighty Foozbah or you just like to make a lot of stinky sneezing powder?"
"Well, you see I'm in ladies garments".
"I don't do kinky hangups", said the demon as he slowly sank back into the barrel.
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Home sweet home

I was 68 years old when I built this log cabin to live in on my 40 acres in Oklahoma. The only power tool I used was a chain saw to fell the trees. The rest was all done with hand tools. The logs were squared off with the foot adze I am holding in the picture and the logs were then skidded through the woods by a jackass (ME). Some had to be dragged a quarter mile. The only help I had was a friend helping with the two top courses of logs. The wall was too high for me to do it by myself at that point. Everything is fitted together. The only nails are the ones that hold the roofing on. JUST LISTEN TO THAT OL' BOY BRAG. ;-] And look at all the junk he flung out the door. Why I believe that's a real live redneck.
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What you need is a cat. Preferably ginger but beggers can't be choosers. You may just have to put up with some fluffy ball Persian or a skinny Siamese.
No not every cat can be a pedigree orange but we are all great aides...
Good luck with your crater shop.
I guess I'm just a critter person. I like all kinds of animals, dogs, cats, even had a wild skunk in Oklahoma that used to come in the cabin to beg chocolate chip cookies. She was insulted if you offered any other kind. Thank goodness not THAT insulted.
Your stories get better and better. The Barrel Demon reminds me of one I wrote but lost, in the days before computers, where a woman dug up an old bottle with a genie in it.
Thanks. It gets even crazier as it goes along. I'll put part 2 up later today.
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